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Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon
The Great Tannaghmore Bake Off -Monday 21st October (Enter your tasty dish made with Armagh apples and win cash prizes! Child and adult entries £2 per entry. Freshly picked Armagh Bramley apples go on sale from Monday 14th October at £2 for approx 1kg). Rules state that all food should 1. Contain apples 2. Be in a disposable dish/ tray etc 3. Nut free. Child and Adult entry forms may be downloaded from site or available from Miss Hussey P.2B
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All Ireland champion past pupils

30th Aug 2024

All Ireland champion past pupils

The staff, pupils and wider school community would like to express sincere congratulations to our four past pupils and the whole Armagh team and management on their incredible All Ireland victory. Many of our pupils got to be there on the day and others watched the final at home, at parties and even in hotter countries. We took great delight looking back to 2010 when they showed all the skills, flair and dedication to win the McGreevey Cup back in 2010 as big P7 and P6 pupils.

They have proven to be exquisite role models and no doubt they have already inspired the next generation of young Tannaghmore footballers to follow in their footsteps. Fantastic and you haven’t changed a bit lads!