Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Arrangements for Easter Week

29th Mar 2021

Dear Parent/ Guardian

I hope you and your family are all keeping well. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding regarding the health and safety procedures presently in place in the school and we continue to encourage any adult at the school gates to wear a face covering and observe social distancing.

The school will operate for a half day only on Thursday 1st April and all children will be off the premises at 12 noon. We will stagger the home times for the year groups to ensure the safety of parents and children. Please observe the following arrangements for Thursday;

Primary 1 will exit through the North Circular Road gate at 11.30am.

Primary 2 will exit through the  North Circular Road gate at 11.45am.

Primary 3 will exit through the Main Exit Gate at 11.45am.

Primary 4 will exit through the North Circular Road gate at 11.55am.

Primary 5 will exit through the North Circular Road gate at 12 noon.

Primary 6 will exit through the Main Exit Gate at 11.55am.

Primary 7 will exit through the Main Exit Gate at 12 noon.

School buses will leave at 12 noon and school meals will not be available.

There will be PE on Tuesday and Wednesday for the usual classes but no PE on Thursday.

We are holding a Non-Uniform day on Wednesday and are asking for a small donation of £1 per child to help support the work of Trócaire.

School will reopen on Monday 12th April for all year groups.

Recently, we have been made aware of children's misuse of social media and the distress that has been caused to other children. I would strongly encourage parents to monitor their child's phone and discourage the use of social media.

S McCreesh