Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

COVID Cluster P6B Mrs Casey's Class

16th Mar 2022

Please give the letter below your full attention. Children in the classes listed below will need a Lateral Flow test before coming back to school on Monday 21st March. 


Dear Parent/Guardian,

The school has been notified of a number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in P6B Mrs Casey's class.  All those who were high risk close contacts of the cases will have been identified, advised on self-isolation and testing by the PHA Contact Tracing Service.

It is inevitable that with high cases of Omicron in the community there will also be cases reported in school age children.  The school is taking actions to minimise in-school transmission, following guidance from the Public Health Agency and the Education Authority.  

Some people can have active COVID-19 infection but have no symptoms, so when there are high numbers of confirmed cases in a class a one-off test is recommended to the rest of the class to identify other infected children or staff as early as possible so that they can self-isolate.

Even if your child has no new symptoms, we are asking pupils in the following classes to undertake a lateral flow COVID test (LFT) at home before coming back into school on Monday 21st March.  

1. Primary 6B Mrs Casey's Class.

If the Lateral Flow test is negative, and your child has no symptoms, your child can return to school. 

If the lateral flow test is positive your child should isolate immediately and is now to be treated as a case of Covid-19.  They do not need to have a PCR test.  It is extremely important that you report your child’s positive lateral flow test online using the link: Report a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test result - GOV.UK (  This will trigger contact tracing processes to alert those your child has been in close contact with and to provide them with advice regarding their potential to become infected and spread the virus. You should also inform the school.