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Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Homework week beginning 5-10-20

5th Oct 2020

Online homework will be completed through myON and Mathletics. Pupils will also be getting spellings to learn weekly. Usernames and passwords have been sent home. 


Once you have logged into using the username and password, try and encourage your child to read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day. When they have finished a book remember to take a quiz. 

HOMEWORK: The children will complete the project assigned by their teacher. The project must be completed by Friday 9th October. 


We have uploaded this week's spellings. Please learn these each night and on Friday you will be tested on these. Children have been informed of what spelling group they are in. 

Use the link below to access Interactive Spelling Workbook  and then click on Unit 2 to work your way through the various games and activities to help you learn these spellings.


Pupils will be assigned projects weekly. The tasks will be linked to topics being taught in class. This week we have assigned 4 tasks for pupils to complete. Please complete the 4 tasks before Friday 9th October. 

Best of luck,

P7 Teachers.