Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

Letter for Parents

1st Dec 2020

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

It’s hard to believe we are already into the month of December and have only a short time left in this term. There had been speculation in the media that school would finish earlier this term but I can confirm that the children will begin their Christmas holidays at 12 noon on Friday 18th December.

This year has been a particularly challenging year for many families and we as a school community plan to work with St. Vincent de Paul to help support those less fortunate in our community. Traditionally, at this time of year, parents often buy gifts for their child’s teacher to show their appreciation for their support. However, this year instead of giving gifts to teachers, we are asking parents to donate non-perishable food products to the school which can be then used to create food hampers which will be distributed by St. Vincent the Paul. Donations should be sent in with your child in a plastic bag and given to the teachers at the school gates.

Due to COVID19 restrictions, we are not in a position to have Christmas concerts or carol services this year. The teachers in all year groups are preparing the children for a virtual Christmas celebration which will be uploaded on to the school website. The classes will be recorded next week and if possible, children should wear a Christmas jumper or Santa hat for the day of recording only. Parents will be informed of the day of recording for their child by text message next week.

It is not possible to have a Christmas Dinner in school this year, however we are planning to have a Christmas Party on Thursday 17th December which will involve a party meal of chips and chicken nuggets. This school meal needs to be booked in the usual way before Friday 11th December so the kitchen can order the appropriate amount of food. Orders after this date cannot be included. Children can wear Christmas jumpers on the 17th December.

This week is the final week for PE for all classes until the new term. The Healthy Kidz after school clubs will continue as usual.

School will reopen for the new term on Monday 4th January 2021.

Yours Sincerely

Seamus McCreesh
