Access Keys:

Tannaghmore PS, Lake Street, Lurgan, Craigavon

School Reopening November 2020

30th Oct 2020

Dear Parent,

Tannaghmore PS will reopen on Monday 2nd November and we are delighted to welcome all the children back to school. As a school community, our main objective is to keep all our children and staff safe and I would ask for your full support in the following matters. Please do not send your child to school;

  1. If they are displaying symptoms such as a new continuous cough, a high temperature or a loss of taste or smell.
  2. If anyone in the household is waiting for the result of a COVID19 test.
  3. If anyone in the household has had a positive test and is self-isolating.
  4. If you have been notified that your child has been in close contact with someone who has received a positive COVID19 test.

I would also encourage parents to wear face masks while dropping off or collecting children from school and continue to follow the directions at the school gate to ensure the health and well-being of all our school community.  

Please ensure that all school meals and bus journeys for next week are booked today.

Healthy Kidz afterschool clubs will begin next week, please click on to book one of the clubs. The clubs are organised in year groups to ensure that there is no mixing of protective bubbles.

Primary 1/2/and 3 children who attend the Health Kidz afterschool clubs will be picked up at the North Circular Road gate at 3pm. Parents should wait at the gate until they are called forward. Children from Primary 4,5,6 & 7 who attend afterschool will be picked up at the main entrance gate at the front of the school at 4pm. Children cannot attend the clubs unless a place has been booked through Healthy Kidz. Primary 7 boys Gaelic Football can be booked through the School Money app.

Yours Sincerely

Seamus McCreesh
