News - 5C
2021/2022 School Year
8th Oct 2021
Congratulations to Maiya, Ashton and Maddison in P5C, who all reached their target...
24th Sep 2021
An amazing start to our academic year in Primary 5 . Mr Mc Creesh awarded the children...
17th Sep 2021
Congratulations to Darcy and Alex our first stars of the week in P5C ⭐️⭐️....
17th Sep 2021
P5C have worked hard today. They have been learning about how we can organise information.
2020/2021 School Year
25th Jun 2021
P5C it has been an absolute pleasure. You are an amazing bunch of children. We have...
19th Jun 2021
Congratulations to this week’s stars in P5C. Caoimhe and Madisson are keeping...
1st Apr 2021
Congratulations to all the boys and girls who achieved Mathletics certificates this...
25th Mar 2021
Congratulations to the boys and girls who achieved certificates in Mathletics this...
24th Mar 2021
Primary 5C were welcomed back to school on Monday with a delicious cake from Kosy...